October 16, 2010

Face the fear

The new soccer season has started, and this time I'm playing on an indoor soccer team. This is the first time I have played an indoor sport since I broke my foot playing indoor last winter, and it's scary. The hard floor makes injuries more likely -- it definitely contributed to my injury -- and there is a lot more contact.

But, if I don't play indoors, I can't play for months because we have long snowy winters here. So I decided to get back up on the metaphorical thing you get back up on (horse, bike, etc) and give it another try. I bought proper indoor soccer shoes so that I will be more stable on my feet. The store had the most beautiful pink shiny ones, but I responsibly chose a pair that actually fits -- for safety.

I'm playing in the gay league again. It's cheaper than my other league, and the people are very friendly and welcoming. And it's kind of awesome to be around gay people again, since I don't have many gay friends here.

We played our first two games today -- one tie, and one loss, which isn't bad for the first week. So I think it will be a fun season... as long as I can manage to stay on my feet...

Because if I fracture something again IT WILL NOT BE FUCKING PRETTY.


  • I'm glad you're heading back Di Di! Remember, chances are nothing will happen :) I say get back into it 100% and love it

    By Blogger Psycgirl, at 10/17/10, 11:51 AM  

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